Saturday, 31 January 2015

Stage two of the renovations

We found we needed more cornice and skirting boards so off to Moora we went. It gave us the morning off. While there Allan and I purchased some new furniture for the extended lounge room.

1st piece of gyprock went on the walls today. YES!

 Gyprock on ceiling and new robe in our bedroom. 
Rusty is getting in on the action.

Most of the gyprock went on the walls and ceiling in our room great now is ready for Allan and Tim to plaster the joins. this is a thankless job. There has to be at least 3 coats go on and be sanded between coats.

 Allan and Tim Insulation and gyprock in lounge and office below

Also fibro ceiling boards on the verandah eaves are being put up. 

 Cutting fibro board for verandah eaves is serious business
 Up it goes
Let me out, Let me out, Let me out Pleeeeeaaaasse!!!!

While the boys did the insulation and some gyprock in the new room Kathy and I played with paint on the skirting boards.

Allan cut the doorway into the new room and set the frame in place, we do have to admit there were a few swear words in the mix.

 Allan cutting the doorway into the new room.
Looking from the lounge through to the new room.

Tim had fun creating a snow storm of epic proportions with the sanding of the plaster.

The cornices started going up while the sanding and plastering goes on and on and on...........

 Busy busy busy in the new room
Knock off time - Cricket is on - Drinks are here.
See you next time.

Monday, 26 January 2015

Allan & Pat`s Renovation`s

Back in September/October of 2014 we decided to do some house renovations.
It took a while to get things sorted out, as to how we were going to do things, but with some help from really good friend`s. Matt Bridson with his building experience and Tony Jenkinson who drew up the plans for the shire, we started our journey.

We first put the plan`s in and they were accepted, then it was to start making a list of everything we needed and getting it together.

Allan started making all the frame work for the walls, and I rang around for different things.

We then decided to add more bench space into the kitchen and put a new sink and bench top`s in, these were done back in October 2014 by our local carpenter Jeramy Carter.

Finally everything was in place and we ready to begin, with the help from Allan`s sister Kathy and brother-in-law Tim.
 Footings all dug ready for the concrete
 Front wall exposed ready for moving.
 More footings
Concrete has arrived
 Byron with the first barrow load
 Tim, Roy, Byron & Allan half way 
Roy, Allan & Tim
There was extra concrete left over so this went to do the floor in the tractor shed.

 Allan in the chook yard gateway leveling out the cement & the tractor shed.
The lazy way to level it out the tractor comes in handy.

 The Ratty dog loves disappearing so we have to look for him...
 Tim, Pat & Allan ready to shift this wall.
Tim, Allan & Pat
 All walls moved
 Cladding starts
New room wall frames

 They have been a wonderful help, without them we could never have done it all. Thank you so much. There will be more to follow later.