Saturday, 28 June 2014

51 Taylors Beach

Leaving Toomulla beach at about 8.30am.

We travelled to Balgal Beach about 20 ks up the road for a look to see if it was possible to get into the free camp ground for a couple of nights.

It was packed to the hilt so no luck for us there.
They had markets so of course we had to have a closer look and spend some money.

Fresh Pineapples all round and the girls retail therapy. We checked the beach and fisherman’s landing out, then were on our way again stopped at the Frosty Mango for morning tea with yummy cakes and hot chocolate and coffee (which was very expensive).

Taylor’s beach was our next stop as the boys wanted to put the boat in and try for fish and crabs.

 It was lunch time when we arrived so had lunch then a walk was in order to check the boat ramp only to find that the tide was out……. And it is only possible to use the ramp when the tide is in.

A few hours later the tide came in and what a difference to the look of the place as the photos tell.

The boat in the water the boys were off to set the crab pots and do a spot of fishing. NO FISH!!!!!

Had to find a clock with an alarm so they could leave early to check the pots that sorted they relaxed with a beer.

The 3 nights spent here were great wandering along the beach walk way and out over the tidal flats through the mud and sand. Watching all the little crabs that congregate in groups before digging into the sand when they feel threatened.

At last the boys caught some fish and more mud crabs so had a yummy feed.
Taylor’s beach is a lovely spot and the caravan park was a bit packed but still really nice with palms and grass between each site. The owners were very helpful the whole time we were there.

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