Kokerbin Rock is reputed to be the third largest monolith in Australia.
It is huge yes, and it is now in the hands of DPAW.
We were not impressed with the gravel paths. In places they are quite dangerous and one has to step very carefully to make sure they don’t slip as the gravel moves under foot.
The path in
our opinion is too far from the rock as all one see`s most of the way is bush!!!
Sorry not
impressed we wanted to walk at the base of the rock not 5 to 50 metres away in
the bush.
The bush being 3 to 5 metres high made it very difficult to see
anything at all.
This one we stepped off the lookout platform and walked to the base of the rock
After walking half hour around the path we gave up went back to the car and drove around. The view was not much better…. Maybe that is what they are after don’t let anyone to close.
There were some interesting rocks section, we followed a sign that said Dog Rock but could not find anything that looked like a dog, others there at the same time had the same problem... No dog!
Historic well that is dry
We honestly
think Wave Rock, Hyden is better, but Hanging Rock in Victoria is even better
access wise. Though this is only our opinion.