Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Kokerbin Rock 21.9.15

Kokerbin Rock is reputed to be the third largest monolith in Australia.
It is huge yes, and it is now in the hands of DPAW.

We were not impressed with the gravel paths. In places they are quite dangerous and one has to step very carefully to make sure they don’t slip as the gravel moves under foot.

The path in our opinion is too far from the rock as all one see`s most of the  way is bush!!!

Sorry not impressed we wanted to walk at the base of the rock not 5 to 50 metres away in the bush. 
The bush being 3 to 5 metres high made it very difficult to see anything at all.

This one we stepped off the lookout platform and walked to the base of the rock

After walking half hour around the path we gave up went back to the car and drove around. The view was not much better…. Maybe that is what they are after don’t let anyone to close.
There were some interesting rocks section, we followed a sign that said Dog Rock but could not find anything that looked like a dog, others there at the same time had the same problem... No dog!

Historic well that is dry

We honestly think Wave Rock, Hyden is better, but Hanging Rock in Victoria is even better access wise. Though this is only our opinion.

Kwolyin Camp Ground

The two towns “Shackleton and Kwolyin” which were both going backwards.
Shackleton has the littlest bank also Steve`s Art Gallery definitely worth a look.

Shackleton had town water and no pub, Kwolyin had a pub but no town water.

Back about 20 years the pub burnt down, and that was the finish of Kwolyin as a sports club was also built in Shackelton.

With a Kokerbin reputably the third biggest monolith in Australia, was a popular picnicking and camping area.

 The Catholic church is still standing all locked up.
This area was closed down as a camp site and it was decided that the old town-site of Kwolyin became the official free camp site for the area. Which now has lovely new BBQ s and camp kitchen also flushing toilets it is a real feather in the shire of Bruce Rocks cap.


Beautiful spot to camp with lots of people using it.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Flower drive Bruce Rock

While in Bruce Rock we were given a paper on a Wild flower drive and upon reading it part of the drive was the way we had come from Hines Hill. So after studying it decided we would we would go do about 4ks of it to see what we could find.
Here are the photos taken in that 4 ks. No orchids and sorry to say we feel best of the flowers have finished - but that is only our opinion though.

 Timothy being a tease!!

Beautiful tree the trunk has grown together looked great.

Nungarin Heritage Machinery and Army Museum

The Nungarin Heritage  Machinery and Army Museum is housed in an original massive Army Vehicle workshop building constructed in Nungarin in 1942-43 as part of Australia`s defence during WWII.  

The huge building was part of No5 Base Ordnance Depot (5BOD)

Which was considered to be the largest storage facility for the Army Ordnance in Western Australia at the time, built at a total cost of approximately 10 million pounds?

5 BOD incorporated the Army Vehicle Workshop, Tank Workshops,   5 huge storehouses, Powerhouse, Post Office, Administration blocks, Medical facilities, as well as a multitude of other workshops, Shelters, Offices, and an extensive vehicle park.

The former Army Vehicle Workshop is one of the few remaining large volume, timber, military buildings built during WWII for the Commonwealth Allied Works Council in Western Australia.

After the war, most of the camp facilities and buildings were sold and the Shire purchased the Army Vehicle Workshop for use as a Shire Depot. Part of the building is still used for plant storage and maintenance, while the remainder now houses the museum.

We spent a few hours wandering and looking at everything also talking to a gentleman called Bill. Who told us heaps of history. He was a teenager when the war was on so was able to recount some of his experiences.
 Search light which has been restored and is now working

 The inner working were missing when found, ingenuity has it all rebuilt and working using items from other things.
Generator that is used to run the search light

All that is left of 3 of the storage sheds are Red Brick walls situated in the middle of a wheat crop at the north edge of town.

The first thing I (Kathy) spotted as we walked in the door of the museum was a China cabinet like mum`s with curved glass side panels.

We really enjoyed our time here and would recommend it for anyone interested in the history of the WWII