We took a day trip out to Mount Fox the last active volcano
in Australia. A pimple on the other hills, a bit of a disappointment as there
was no way to get to the top. We are told the crater is full of water with fish
as well. As you can see it is not much good to us.
I got this picture from Google Earth.
On To Kangaroo Hills
We then moved on to Kangaroo Hills Station where Tony used to
work when he was younger.
Geoff just for you.
What are these????
They were baling hay, middle size round bales.
As soon as we pulled up, the person driving the tractor with
front forks on saw Tony and jumped off the tractor and ran over to “CYCLONE” as
they knew him, and greeted him like a long lost brother, great reunion. The
boss who was on the baler also recognised Tony and after half an hour talking
we were given the run of the property 360 square miles of it. They went back to
work we went looking over the property.
We had a picnic lunch on the banks of the Douglas River
The Douglas runs into the Burdekin River, there are quite a
few rivers and creeks all join up on the property, so there is a permanent
water supply. At the moment they are running about 8000 head of cattle, and
they look very good. Still some Brahman cattle but now changing to Brangus.
The Brahman are good because of the short hair, the ticks
don’t affect them, but now with the Brangus they have more hair and have to dip
for ticks more often.
This grave in the middle of the cattle yards is a lady Emelyn Coertz who was dragged to death in the cattle yards back in June 1892
There are 4 sets of cattle yards and out stations for
working the cattle.
This is where the stockmen cooked slept and relaxed in this shed.
The property now has its own helicopter and pilot, who does
other work around the station when not required for flying.
All in all a long but really good day.
Hi Kath & Tim, Geoff said what a lovely flock of [Flying emus!!!] He says they are all male birds, and they seem very quiet.The new computer has windows 8 on it so I will have to go to computer lessons to learn how it work s, so different to my old one Take care Love Jean & Geoff xxxxx